AmazonSimpleAdmin version 0.9.7 released

Today I committed version 0.9.7 of my wordpress plugin AmazonSimpleAdmin to the wordpress plugin repository. This update fixes the broken customer reviews. They did not work any more after Amazon did some changes to their webservice API in early November. I am glad that I found a way to seamlessly make the reviews work again with the known placeholders.

Because the reviews images get grabbed from the html code of a review summary page, which is an additional background request, I highly recommed to activate the cache of the plugin.

I added two new placeholders in this version: LowestOfferFormattedPrice (shows the fully formatted price with currency and price like „EUR 4,99“) and RatingStarsSrc (contains the URL to the review stars image)

I tested the new version on Mac OS and Windows and I hope it works for you all. Please share your experience with my plugin. Send me mail to (delete NOSPAM_) or write a comment.

Get the new version from the official wordpress page:
